R.a.m Wagdug Futuristic Unity Rar

  1. R.a.m Wagdug Futuristic Unity Rare
  2. R.a.m Wagdug Futuristic Unity Rarely
  3. R.a.m Wagdug Futuristic Unity Rarity

Wagdug futuristic unity专辑《destroy the destruction(mash-up & remixes)》,更多wagdug futuristic unity相关专辑下载、在线试听,尽在网易云音乐. Romantist/ wagdug futuristic unity 2. Makeinu/ kuroneko chellsea 3. Just like a boy/ ging nang boyz 4. Okaasan iikagen anata no kao ha wasurete shimaimashita/ group tamashii 5. Kanon/ togawa jun 6. Go go stalin/ flower companyz 7. Sentensei roudousha/ aa= 8. Omae no inu ni naru/ buck-tick 9. Gajumaru/ ua 10. Odessey.1985.sex/ merry 11. R.A.M WAGDUG FUTURISTIC UNITY Punk 2010 Preview SONG TIME Ram the Crush!!! 3:32 PREVIEW No End.

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This is one of the odder releases, period, that I've ever seen through a major label. AA='s fourth studio album, for some reason that I can't comprehend, was split into two albums which came out only a couple weeks after one another, each with only seven tracks comprising about 20 minutes of material per disc. Perhaps it was a move to get the fans a little more involved in picking up the album? To making more money? I don't know. But in any case, it's a 'split album', and I have both parts.
The packaging of the two albums is pretty interesting, actually, particularly the second half's. Whereas # just comes in a normal jewel case with all the bells and whistles typical of Japanese CD releases, 4 is packaged in a liner notes booklet. Seriously. It's a liner notes booklet in a small mylar, with a cel of the album artwork in front of the blank white cover, as the CD itself sits inside the booklet in an LP-esque plastic disc protector. # is actually a 2-disc CD case with an empty spot in the back for the 4 disc, and the cel with 4's artwork is meant to go in front of #'s cover. (Scroll down all the way to the bottom of this article for the result.)

R.a.m Wagdug Futuristic Unity Rare

There are a couple disadvantages to this packaging, unfortunately, those being:
  • The mylar and disc protector for 4 become absolutely disposable once you combine # and 4 into their intended shape. Personally, I just keep the remains next to it in my stash of Mad stuff, but I can imagine other people thinking it sucks that there's disposable unique packaging with it.
  • When you do combine them, there's still the obi that only recognizes #. On the other spine is another #, and underneath the obi it only says 4 for some reason. If the obi had just said #4, that would have been alright.
Granted, those are nitpicks, but it's still odd that the packaging doesn't totally gel together.
In any case, the material here is really solid. It's a little poppier than #3

R.a.m Wagdug Futuristic Unity Rarely

R.a.m wagdug futuristic unity rare, and the songs are a lot shorter than most of their prior material. The short length of the material, considering you have to buy both halves of the split album separately, may scare some people off, but that doesn't make it not worth buying or anything. It's also odd that the music videos of the material are shortened even further for YouTube.. splitting it in half to make people go for the tour DVD? I dunno. I don't have that one, either, nor do I have any of AA='s other tour DVDs.

1. Drone
3. Viciousness
5. Distrap
7. Kilroy Was Here
8. HUMANITY2 (4 Mix)
10. The Jam
12. Lasts
14. Endroll

R.a.m Wagdug Futuristic Unity Rarity

NOTE: There was a recently released official R.a.m#4R.a.m Wagdug Futuristic Unity Rar compilation that seems to combine the two albums into one disc. 'I'll just get that!' you might say, but don't. From the look of the official #4's tracklisting, it omits two tracks from the separate versions: PRG from # and Endroll from 4. There's absolutely no reason to, either; it's not like they're interludes or anything, they're full songs! Just get these two and combine them, the extra tracks will make it worth it.

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