Hollow Knight Easiest Dream Boss

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  2. Dream Fights Hollow Knight
  3. Hollow Knight Easiest Dream Bosses
  4. Hollow Knight How To Beat Bosses
  5. Hardest Boss In Hollow Knight
  6. Hollow Knight Easiest Dream Bosses
  7. Hollow Knight All Dream Bosses

Dream Warrior Locations Hollow Knight

Dream Bosses White Palace & Birthplace Temple of the Black Egg. Hollow Knight is a Metroidvania adventure game by Team Cherry that follows the story of a heroic knight as he explores a vast underworld filled with strange characters and insect-inspired enemies. Hollow Knight was first revealed as a Kickstarter campaign in November of 2014. Failed Champion hits like a truck and his shockwave is much harder to dodge, but other than that he's basically the same as False Knight, so he's probably the easiest, just keep your distance when he jumps away from you. GPZ has a lot of moves with little to no warning, huge hitboxes, spawns minions, and is generally an RNG shitshow.

Grey Prince Zote

Grey Prince Zote can be found in Bretta’s basement back at Dirtmouth as long as you’ve rescued both Bretta and Zote and defeated Zote in the Colosseum of Fools. He can be fough up to 10 times but only gives 300 Essence the first time you defeat him.

Grey Prince Zote doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing and is constantly falling over. He’s still difficult to defeat as each time he falls over he’ll create a shockwave and he also likes to teleport around the arena before slamming into the ground.

Zote has 1200 health for the first battle. You’ll need to learn which moves create shockwaves so you can time your jumps over them. You can often get in a swipe or two after each shockwave. The Quick Slash and Fragile Strength charms work will for this fight. The Fragile charms won’t break if you lose a dream boss fight.

Failed Champion

The Failed Champion can be found above the arena where you fought the False Knight. After jumping up break the wall to the right and use the Dream Nail on the dead maggot. You can use the Dream Nail on the other Maggots to replenish your soul before entering the fight.

The Failed Champion is a buffed version of the False Knight. Each of his attacks will cause rocks to fall down from the roof but most of his attacks are very similar. When he jumps towards you this gives you a chance to dash underneath. You’ll be able to get in a few strikes before he turns around.

Standing in one of the corners may give you a chance to heal, especially if you have the Quick Focus charm equipped. The Failed Champion will get knocked over a few times, giving you a chance to heal or hit his head for more soul. Eventually he’ll be defeated and go crashing through the floor. Once he’s defeated you’ll receive 300 Essence.

Lost Kin

Dream Fights Hollow Knight

The Lost Kin can be found in the same place as the Broken Vessel in the Ancient Basin. He has 1200 health and slightly more difficult attacks. During the fight blobs of infection will spawn and chase after you.

The strategy for defeating the Lost Kin is basically the same as the Broken Vessel. stay on the ground because the Lost Kin likes to jump. Use Quick Slash to get in many hits at a time and Desolate Dive to really do some damage quickly. Killing the blobs that spawn give you soul so you should have no problem using spells during this fight.

A few times throughout the fight the Lost Kin will get knocked over for a short while, giving you a chance to heal, but you’ll still need to keep an eye on any infected blobs heading your way. Once the Lost Kin has been defeated you’ll be rewarded with 400 Essence.

White Defender

The White Defender has a lot of health, 1600 HP to be exact. He can be found by using the Desolate Dive just under the room to the right of the Dung Defender, where the lever is located.

The White Defender has many of the same attacks as the Dung Defender but he’s fairly easy to predict and most of the attacks can be avoided. Use Quick Slash to hit him repeatedly while he tosses the dung. Follow him around and get in swipes as he performs the dung eruption. If you’re close to him the dung won’t hit you.

Once the White Defender has been defeated you’ll be rewarded with 300 Essence.

Soul Tyrant

The Soul Tyrant can be found in the same location as the Soul Master. Use the Dream Nail on the corpse to initiate the fight. The Soul Tyrant has 900 health in the first phase and 350 health in the second.

The Soul Tyrant’s attacks are the same as the Soul Master except he’s a little bit quicker and has more fireballs during his spinning fireball attack. Having the Monarch Wings will make it easier to avoid the shockwave from the ground pound attack.

The Soul Tyrant will teleport around the arena making him difficult to catch up to. You may only get in one or two attacks at a time so the Quicky Slash charm is not very effective for this battle.

Hollow Knight Easiest Dream Bosses

During phase 2 the Soul Tyrant will smash through the floor and land in the arena below. He performs teleporting slams repeatedly until he eventually floats stationary on one side of the room. This is your chance to kill him. Avoid the fireballs and hit him with the Abyss Shriek or the Nail. Once he’s defeated you’ll be rewarded with 300 Essence.

Back: Fog Canyon Next: White Palace

Hollow Knight is the type of game that does very little hand holding. And players will find many mysteries and challenges along the way. In saying that, some of you might want a little general information going in without ruining the experience. And this Hollow Knight Guide aims to fill that void.

What To Do First

Early on you have very little tools or resources that will help you along the road. So your initial investment of your Geos will be quite crucial to your experience of the game. As soon as you get the chance, purchase the following:

+ Map + Compass + Quilt

Map to help you find your way, Wayward Compass to navigate and Quilt to make updates as you make discoveries.

Buy Them Pins

Your second most important investment will be the Map Pins, these will indicate things such as benches, vendors and stations. They will save you a great deal of time and energy, while allowing you to plan ahead.


These early investments will then set you up for the remaining part of the game, and will make life much easier as time goes by.

What To Spend Geo On

Spend your Geo freely when ever you come across things that you think are useful or will be at some point be useful. Because you’re bound to lose some along the way, and it’s better to spend, than to hoarded and lose.

In fact, the majority of the things that you come across will be useful and beneficial on some level. Especially purchases such as charms and upgrades. And the process of farming Geo is quite simple once you begin to explore and understand the basics.

1, 2. 1, 2, 3.

Like any other form of combat there is a rhythm and need for pacing. And these basics also apply to Hollow Knights combat. Remember this, and practice. And you’ll find combat much more effortless and natural.

More importantly a need for patience will take you a long way in this game. Remember to use all the mechanics available to you and fight at and advantage. A great example would be your ability to judge distance.

Better to Cast Than to Heal

It is often better to cast Vengeful Spirit and kill your enemies quickly than fight, take damage and then heal. Unless of course, you’re practicing. With this approach at least you’re saving time.

Which is a reminder that going a caster focused build is a viable and powerful route. Make sure checkout this list of the best charms for more information.

Remember Anything Can Kill You

Literally, anything. Assuming an enemy is basic and giving a half-hearted effort to killing them will often kill you instead, or at the very least take a life or two. So stay alert and be prepared, even against the most unlikely of opponents.

Explore and Build Familiarity

You’re playing an exploration game, so bring your adventurous spirit and the desire for the unknown. Hit surfaces for breaks and secret areas. Go out of your way to uncover a new room and make notes of the areas that are unavailable to you. They will always be worth it.

Pay Attention to the Details


Simply look and you’ll often find the way. Because this beautiful and intricate game shows you a great deal if you pay attention and give it all of your focus.

Make Use of the Up and Down Mechanic

Going for it blind is never a good idea.
Especially when you’re given a mechanic to minimise that.

Acquire the Hunters Journal

Somewhere in the east of Greenpath. You will meet an ancient Hunter, who will grant you the Hunter’s Journal. The journal can provide tips on certain enemies and best ways of defeating them. But only once you’ve defeated enough.

Rest Frequently

Besides in game rests that will replenish your health and make updates of your discoveries. You will eventually find yourself nerved at some point during the game. It is best to take a break and come back with a fresh & clear mind.

When Fighting Difficult Enemies/Bosses

Focus on them rather than all the things thrown at you to distract you. Your mind quickly learns to focus on the primary target while giving secondary focus to the obstacles. This tip, probably transcends beyond the game.

Saving Your Geo by Quitting

Hollow Knight How To Beat Bosses

When chances of survival looks grim and you want get out while you still can. Exit the game and reload. And you’ll be at your last save spot with your Geo intact.

Shady Business

In case you didn’t know. Scarface pc game crack file. If you die while having a shade in the world, you’ll lose all your Geo on that shade. But! If you have a shade in the world and decide to save and exit. That shade will still be there when you reload your game.

Best Early Game Charms

Checkout the list of the Best Hollow Knight Charms!

These have been found the most useful amongst the early charms:

  • Wayward Compass – displays the bearers location whenever a map is open. The major navigation item when new to the game and having to find your way around the complex labyrinth.
  • Longnail – Increases the range of the bearer’s nail by 15%, which means that you will be able to keep your enemies at bay and avoid their attacks more often. And also more likely to reach them during jump attacks.
  • Soul Catcher – Increases the amount of SOUL gained when striking an enemy with the nail. Making it a great item for caster builds or heavy soul usage builds.
  • Gathering Swarm – A swarm will follow you and gather up any loose Geo. At 1 Notch, its the perfect Charm for the little saver in you.
  • Steady Body – Keeps its bearer from recoiling backwards when they strike an enemy with a nail. Found this very useful early on when getting the hang of the combat. Especially since it reduces the chance of being knocked around and taking extra damage.

Other Hollow Knight Resources

Full Map V1.7 & Hollow Knight Reddit
– Hollow Knight – OST [Relaxing Edition 1.0]
– Hollow Knight – OST [Relaxing Edition 2.0]

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